Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today I had a good day. I walked 4 miles. Trying my best to stay healthy and happy, despite the facts that I'm HIV positive and I know I'm losing my job in 8 months.

I've been working at Wachovia for over 11 years and last year our ex CEO Ken Thompson and his band of cronies ran the company into the ground and we ended up being sold to Wells Fargo. Ken Thompson and his buddies walked away with millions of dollars in their pockets after screwing up at their jobs, while thousands of employees like me who always came to work and did our jobs perfectly are getting the axe or have already gotten the axe. In my case, Wells Fargo is shutting our department down in May 2010.

Which brings me back to staying healthy, or trying to. I'm trying extra hard these days to stay in shape and stay healthy because I'm worried and I'm wondering what kind of healthcare I'll have next year after I'm laid off, if any.

I would go to a healthcare townhall meeting and advocate for reform, but I'm too afraid to show up at one to voice my opinion that we do need healthcare reform with a strong public option. I watched one of those townhall meetings on the tube last week and saw one disabled woman getting heckled and laughed at and booed for daring to speak up For healthcare reform. Republican scum has sunk to new lows. Watch the video here. I hope the people ridiculing this brave woman have an accident real soon.

I saw where there was a fist fight at another townhall meeting in California. Seems a Pro healthcare reform advocate was taunting an Anti healthcare reform guy and the Anti guy got mad and through a punch, and his hand (one of his fingers) ended up in the mouth of the guy he was trying to hit, and the guy bit his finger off. Read about it here. But it's all good, because the Anti guy with the missing finger is an old guy and he has Medicare. Yep, Medicare, a government run healthcare plan. How ironic is that?

Anyway, as the song says, I'm not going to let it bother me today.